Responsible for managing Hospital Information System (HIS).
Software Engineer
Video Editor
Software Engineer
Video Editor
Hello! I’m Dicky Ermawan S.
Software Engineer who has experiences on web development with clean codes.
Skilled in PHP, JavaScript, Dart, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server. Using several
Framework & tools such as Yii2, Laravel, JQuery, Socket.IO, Flutter, Firebase,
Modern application web based that focuses on speed, accuracy and security.
Modern website for your person or organization.
I have project management skills. With good project management will produce good products too.
Focusing on giving the best advice on using information technology to achieve your business goals.
Responsible for managing Hospital Information System (HIS).
Freelance for App & Web Development, and Video Editing.
Responsible for developing Hospital Information System (HIS) and Managing the Asset Management Information System.
I am a staff of EDP (Electronic Data Processing) as a Software Developer who develops and maintains applications according to the needs of the Hospital.
Building Integrated Academic Information System (iRaise) at UIN Suska Riau.
Teach advanced web programming classes with Yii Framework.
Publication with the title of UIN SUSKA Riau Information Resources Management (Focus on Data Development Management Governance).
Assistant Lecturer in practical data stucture course in Informatics Engineering Department.
Assistant Lecturer in practical algorithm and programming course in Informatics Engineering Department.
Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering of Science and Technology Faculty.